The present site is the property of the SARL AUX POINTS DU JOUR recorded in the register of companies of the VOLCANIC HILL IN VELAY under the number 502 219 256 00018. The Editorial director of the web site is Monsieur Yann FIGLIOLINI.
The users of this site have to respect the legality and in particular the statutory provisions Computing and liberties the violation of which is penally sanctioned. They have to refrain in particular, as regards whom they reach, of any collection, captation, deformation or use and in a general way any act susceptible to infringe on privacy or in the reputation of the people. The users are informed, according to statutory provisions Computing and liberties which they have an access right and a rectification with regard to the information concerning them with the SARL AUX POINTS DU JOUR.
The general structure, as well as the texts, the images and the sounds making up this site are the property of the SARL AUX POINTS DU JOUR. Any total or partial representation of this site or one or several of these components, whatever process it is, without express authorization of the SARL AUX POINTS DU JOUR is forbidden and would establish a forgery sanctioned by articles L.335-2 and following ones of the Code of the intellectual property.
The SARL IN DAYBREAKS could not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in texts and illustrations of the site. All the information can be the object of modifications and abolitions without advance notice.
Hypertext links set up within the framework of the present web site in the direction of other present sites on the internet network would not know how to engage the responsibility of the SARL AUX POINTS DU JOUR.
On no account, the SARL AUX POINTS DU JOUR will be held responsible for resultant direct, indirect damage of the use of this Web site or for other sites which are bound to him directly and indirectly.

The present site was created by AGPI CONSULTING, SARL in the 4 000-€ share capital. AGPI CONSULTING is specialized in the custom-made web sites. Since 2008, AGPI CONSULTING uses its tools and its know-how to design sites shop windows or e-commerce personalized. As a supplement to the Internet website designs, the company proposes services of accommodation, Web design, development of mobile applications and webmarketing (referencing, online advertising …).
Address 4, the Lot Champas 43700 BLAVOZY (France) telephone 33 4 71 09 17 64 E-mail Site 508 289 220 00024